Résumé - Tom Sleckman
Software Development and Training Projects
- Container Applications Inc., San Francisco, California
(2000-): Consultant/Developer supporting Sybase database, and developed stored procedures, tables, triggers, etc
to enhance mission critical application. Develop cgi web-based reports in Perl5, and use-interface client in Omnis7.
Unix shell scripting (bourne, korn), and use of crontab. (Sybase 11 Adaptive Server, Perl5, CGI, Apache1.3, Omnis7,
- Synarc, Inc., San Francisco, California (1999-2000):
Database Developer/Consultant, responsible for coding of stored procedures, user interfaces, reporting for data
systems supporting clinical trials (Sybase 11, Visual C++, Python, Crystal Reports 7.0.).
- Outdoors Unlimited, San Francisco, California
(1996 - 1999): Consultant/Developer, Implemented client-server, web-enabled, outdoor rental shop POS and inventory
tracking system. (Macintosh, 4th Dimension, 4D Server, Mac-Httpd, FileMaker Pro).
- Osteoporosis Research Group, San Francisco, California
(1997-1998): Programmed enhancements to medical imaging research systems (Macintosh, 4th Dimension).
- UCSF Stanford HealthCare, San Francisco, California
(1996-1999): Developed client-server ODBC Access database application to support clinical outcomes and reengineering
projects. Constructed Visual Basic desktop interface to legacy mainframe VSAM files. Developed application web
interface using ActiveX Server Pages technology. (Windows NT Server 4.0, MS-Access, VBA, IIS 3.0, VBscript)
- UCSF Stanford HealthCare, San Francisco, California
(1996-1999) Set up and configured Apache and IIS webserver. Implemented a clinical practice guidelines (pneumonia
and gastrointestinal bleeding http://www.ocrm.ucsf.edu/pgp) website including html, ssi, and cgi programming (Apache
1.2, IIS 3.0, VisualPage, C/C++, CGI, SSI, Perl, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript, Sybase and MS SQL Server)
- Osteoporosis Research Group, San Francisco, California
(1995-1996): Developed arthritis clinical trials database for client Hoffman-Roche. (Sun/Solaris, Sybase SQL Server,
Solaris C/C++).
- Osteoporosis Research Group, San Francisco, California
(1995-1996): Developed medical imaging equipment tracking database in support of Osteoporosis clinical trial for
client Eli Lilly. (Macintosh, 4th Dimension, Sybase SQL Server, Borland C/C++).
- UCSF Preventive Sciences Group, San Francisco, California
(1993-1994): For national heart-estrogen clinical trial sponsored by Wyeth-Ayerst, implemented distributed patient
data collection system in 20 sites nationwide. (Macintosh, Omnis7, Symantec C++, SAS)
- UCSF Preventive Sciences Group, San Francisco, California
(1992-1993): For a national osteoporosis clinical trial sponsored by Merck, participated in development of patient
data collection and analysis system. (Macintosh, Omnis7, SAS)
- Levi Strauss, San Francisco, California (1991): Development of Pre-Production Planning
system. Was responsible for project work plan, functional test plan, and status reporting. (HP9000, HP-UX, FOCUS)
- Bank of America, Concord, California (1991): Development of Pre-Production Planning system.
Was responsible for project work plan, functional test plan, and status reporting. (HP9000, HP-UX, FOCUS)
- AT&T, Sunnyvale, California (1988-90): Development of enterprise-wide customer billing
system. (MVS, Unix SystemV, IMS, DB2, TSO, FOCUS, COBOLII,
- Blue Cross, Woodland Hills, California (1988): Provided enhancements to existing customer
warrants system. (IBM MVS, IMS, TSO, COBOL)
- County of Los Angeles, Downey, California (1987): Implemented physical database design for
land parcel tracking system. (IBM MVS, IMS, CICS, TSO, COBOL)
- GE Information Services, Oyster Pt, California (1985-87): Provided database design, development
and support for an Automated Clearinghouse System. Implementation of backup, restart, and recovery procedures,
and management of DASD. (IBM MVS, IMS, CICS, TSO, COBOL)